A New Year, A New Post

A New Year, A New Post

Time goes by so fast, that I didn’t realize I haven’t post anything new in this site. I’ve been busy with a lot of things past year. I was pursuing my international accountant qualification to the next level with ACCA *which I always do in the end of my each university semester*, I joined an internship with Phillip Morris Sampoerna that produces and sells tobacco product, I went to Malaysia with my fellow undergraduate for a study trip *which didn’t feel like a real study trip as what we did were playing and having fun*, and a lot of other things. I’m going to write some more details here and there in another page for a reminiscence for 2015 *Please look forward for it > w <*

A real lot of happy things has happened. But, we still have to say good bye to the ol’ 2015 and say hello to 2016 *though a lot of days have passed already throughout 2016 and it’s even nearly a month x_x I’m sorry*.

In this new year, I still didn’t have a lot of plan for things that I will do. But at least I’ve prepared something for my 2016 resolutions.

So my resolution this year is…

  1. To graduate in 3.5 years *which means that I have to be ready for my thesis and internship report, at the very least, in the September*
  2. To be able to make some money for my own consumption *since mostly I used my parent’s money and my future savings, so I NEED to make some*
  3. To make my parents proud *I still don’t know how, but at least I have a goal, isn’t it*
  4. To make my own brand of jewellery *A new hobby is indeed developed, but still need to find a good source of supplies*
  5. And last but not least, to write more in this personal blog *hopefully this will be a good start, can’t promise though, but still will try hard to do so*

Thank you for the readers that have read all of my blabbers for the previous posts. I know that this blog may not have much contents, as it’s filled with my ordinary life and I rarely write in this blog. Thank you for keeping up with my bad placements of words as I’m not good with expressing things through words, and thank you for everything!

Hello 2016!

Found a lovely planner to pack-up my schedule

Found a lovely planner to pack-up my schedule

Hello again guys, it’s been so long that I haven’t write again in the blog and so on, since I was in the middle of the midterms. Hopefully, i pass all of my exams, and then I can spend a lot more free time to write more in this blog. 😀

So, today I would like to show you all a bit of a planner that I love. I found it recently from iloveitall‘s etsy shop in the website. This planner is filled with a lot of paper and there are a lot of great features of it as well. Here’s the picture of it!

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Hello guys! :D

Hello guys! :D

Hey all, my name is Dea and I’m from Indonesia. This is my first blog and well this blog is created for the sake of improving my English skills through writing and also spreading my stories throughout the world. I promise I will post a lot of things from pictures, photos, and all things that I love. I hope you will keep up and not get bored of me and my post! (> w <)

Well, let’s move on a bit then.

I choose the name of Simple Little Happiness, since I want to prove to the world that a simple and small thing can brings out happiness to somebody. It maybe sounds cheesy and awkward, but I really meant that. I believe if I post a lot of things which mean a lot to me, I can touch someone’s heart and the happiness will be caught by them as well.

I’m not the type of person who can type a lot in one specific things, however, I’ll try to do my best to make an interesting posts which can be your source of happiness. And I will also try to keep up in posting a new story at least every month *since I’m a full time college student*

Enjoy this blog! \(^ w ^)/